Are you familiar with lucid dreaming? Looking for the best lucid dreaming app?
Many people assume there is only one way to dream – close your eyes, fall asleep and wait for your mind to take you off on a weird or wonderful journey.
They’d be wrong.
Lucid dreaming is the state of being aware that you are actually asleep and dreaming. It gives you the ability to change the twists and turns of your fantasy or nightmare and the whole story of your dream. All you have to do is reimagine the unreal environment in your mind. It may seem a bit odd – but lucid dreaming can be a truly amazing experience.
So where does the Awoken App fit into all of this?
Awoken Review: The best lucid dreaming app on the market?
Awoken Review: A Tool For Lucid Dreaming
Awoken is a lucid dreaming app.
It is a dream journal and mental training tool to help you learn to know you are dreaming while you’re dreaming.
An Android exclusive, Awoken is like having your very own lucid dream personal assistant.
Let’s take a look at some of its most acclaimed features…
Main Features
The general idea behind Awoken is to help you achieve the state of lucid dreaming, as well as understand your dreams better by revealing their patterns.
The app includes many features and works as a guide full of information and techniques to achieve clear dreams.
One of the cleverest features is reality checking.
The Awoken App’s ‘Reality Check’ feature
You can ask Awoken to send you random notifications to basically ask yourself whether you are dreaming or not in order to condition your mind to do a “reality check” on demand.
While you’re asleep during the night, the app will play dream clues in the form of a special totem sound to trigger a reality check, and hopefully, lucid dreaming activity.
Awoken comes with a dream diary, and will remind you with a notification as soon as you wake up to write down your dream. There’s also an optional dream cloud module so you can sync your dream entries to Google’s app engine, and a Cloud backup option, which is useful if you lose your device. Remembering your dreams is important to help you trigger natural reality checks in future dreams.
In addition, you can follow your progress and keep track of your stats with the achievements feature and you have the option to pause your training whenever you desire.
Reaction from the Sleep Hacking Community
The Mystic Review claims that Andreas Rudolph’s Awoken app is the most user-friendly and well-designed lucid dreaming app available for Android.
Brain Blogger describes Awoken as one of the better known lucid dreaming apps out there with a range of excellent features. With thousands of five-star and hundreds of four-star reviews from users, Awoken keeps growing by word of mouth recommendations.
Pros and Cons of the Awoken App
Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of this popular lucid dreaming app.
- It’s free to download
- Dream journal with Cloud backup to ensure you never forget a dream
- Ability to temporarily pause your training
- Speech-to-text assistance (premium feature)
- Reality checking to train your mind to know when you are dreaming
- Comes with lots of information on lucid dreaming
- Difficult to master
- Takes time to achieve lucid dreaming with the app
- Only available on Android (at time of writing)
Our Verdict
To many users, this app will seem a little freaky at first.
That said, Awoken will probably only appeal to people who are interested in learning more about lucid dreaming.
We didn’t experience any lucid dreams in our initial tests, but as the saying goes – practice makes perfect.
However, the app is useful for recognising small details within a dream, and it will definitely make you more aware of your dreams — if you wasn’t already.
Awoken is a good app for lucid dreaming beginners, and it acts as a useful ‘personal assistant’, even if much of the same journaling could be achieved with good old fashioned pen and paper.
If you do decide to download the app, then you should be aware that you’re not going to be a lucid dream expert overnight.
It takes time – and lots of it!
The Awoken App is available now for Android on Google Play.
Have you tried the Awoken app?
Do you have any other favorite lucid dreaming tools?
Let us know your thoughts and reviews below.
1 Comment
I just downloaded the Awoken app for Android. I shall give it a try tonight. So, how does one activate this app so that it can begin to assist me with my sleeping cycles? Likewise, how do I buy the premium version and how much does this cost?